Pinguicula jaraguana

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Family : Lentibulariaceae

Genus : Pinguicula

Name : Pinguicula jaraguana


Sub-classification (Casper) : link

Publication : "Two new Pinguicula species (Lentibulariaceae) from East Cuba (Cuba oriental)" by S.Jost Casper in Haussknechtia 9 : 141 - 155, 2003,  

DESCRIPTION : (In Casper) 


Herba perennis (?) humilis. Rhizoma simplex stoloniferum brevis radicibus adventitiis filiformibus numerosis. Folia (6-) 9 - 12 (-15), radicalia dense rosulata solum adpressa vel suberecta succulenta (sicco membranacea) (20-) 28 - 35 (-40) mm longa (8-) 11 -12 mm lata integerrima oblonga vel subspatulata apice rotundata basn versus in petiolum brevem attenuata plana margine antice paulum involuta laete-viridia (in locis soli expositis saepe rubescentia) superne glandulis sessilibus et glandulis stipitatis disperse obsita supra basin basin nervisequente pilis clavatis obsita. Scapi 1 - 4 erecti teretes glandulis sessilibus dispersz obsiti vel glabriusculi (70-) 110 - 150 mm alti uniflori. Flores mediocres ~ 15 - 18 mm longi (calcari excluso). Calyx distincte bilabiatus glabiusculus vel extus glandulis stipitatis sparse obsitus; labium superum usque ad basin fere trilobum lobis ~ 2 - 3 mm longis oblongis obtusis (ligulatis) antice paulum truncatis divaricatis; labiuminferum bilobum lobis ~ 2 - 3 mm oblongis segmentis 2/3 - 1/2 longitudinis liberis divaricatis. Coroll subisoloba ampliata lobis antice distincte erectis (i.e. a fronte rotato-ampliato ~ 17 mm Ø, ab utroque latere corollae subisoloba) albida extus glabriuscula lobis subaequalibus late-obovatis inter se marginibus basium tegentibus 9 -12 mm longis longitudinem reliquae corollae valde superantibus basi pilis aurantiacis longis uniseriatis multicellulatis dense vestita. Tubus (2.5) 3 - 4 (-5) mm longus subcylindricus curvatus aurantiacus (superne luteus rubro-striatus), 1.5 - 2.5 mm latus sine palato, fauce salmonaceus intus +/- dense pilosus pilis brevioribus clavatis. Calcar crassum conicum apice rotundatum (saccatum) cum tubo angulum subrectum (80 - 90 °) distincte formans, 1 - 2.5 (-3) mm longum, ~ 1.5 - 2 mm diametro. Stamina ~ 1.5 mm longa; basi ovarii adnata (imo corollae tubo inserta); filamenta brevia, incurvata; antherae 2, ~ 1 mm latae, thecis connatis. Granula pollinis (zono-) 4 - 5 colporata. Ovarium superum, sessile, uniloculare, subgloboso-ovoideum, ~ 1.5 mm diametro, in stylum brevissimum productum; ovula plurima placentae liberae sessilia. Stigma terminale brevissime inaequaliter bilobum; lobum inferum fimbriatum, antheras umbrelliformiter obtegens. Capsula longe ovoidea ~ 2 mm longa, ~ 1 mm diametro, unilocularis, bivalvta, calycem persistentem superans. Semina scobiformia, brunnea, ~ 0.5 mm longa, ~ 0.2 mm crassa; testa reticulata.        

Translation :


- soon - 



It was in 1968/1969 that H. Lippold, herborizating in the area found a member of the Pinguicula family and mention it without more details. Later, in 1976, Helga Dietrich found in the same area, The valley of Rivulet Jaragua, a white flowered species (identified previously as P. albida, Oriente type). Casper described it later in 2003, under the name P. jaraguana.  

This species have a close relationship with Pinguicula albida. The sufficiently differences will be discuss when the page on Pinguicula albida will be done and added also here.  


The region of Moa-Baracoa, is the most important area for the vegetal endemism in Cuba, and probably in all the Caribbean area, with 967 taxa endemic, of which 365 can be seen in that area.

It is impressive to note that, directly or indirectly, the greater floristics relations of all the regions of Eastern Cuba are in Moa-Baracoa. 

These evidences demonstrate that the flora of this zone has played an important role in the formation of the other local floras of the Eastern of Cuba.



From Eastern Cuba, Prov. Holguin; endemic to the mountains Cichilla of Moa. Few locations are added in the original publication. 


(click on the map for better location and relief map)



Growing at the banks in the headwaters of rivulets Jaragua and Jiguani. 

According to the publication of Casper, "on the watered slopes".


"It is arguable whether this species is lignophytic or simply grows in very shallow soil. I prefer to think it uses shallow soil that is high in limstone content. I have not seen the plants rooted into pure limestone in the wild."

Personal communication on November 21th 2003 with Paul Temple.


I have no really data but as Pinguicula jaraguana can be found near P. benedicta, I write here the threats Paul Temple wrote from the case of Pinguicula benedicta.

"At first sight there would appear to be no threat to this type of location. However, the moutain air would present the greatest threat. The east of Cuba is an important mining area, particularly for Nickel but also for other minerals. The factories working with the raw ores produce thick smoke that pollutes the air causing acid rain. There was no evidence that this was causing a problem to Pinguicula benedicta but any damage to the surrounding forest could be disastrous. Direct mining seems unlikely to be an immediate risk as plenty of areas present easier targets than rivers and river banks, but should communism end or relax in Cuba, the consequential influx of US dollars and business could rapidly change this view. Similarly, the use of timber is not currently a direct threat but political changes could see this change too. Happily, the Cuban government is a good example of a government willing to apply pragmatic conservation plans to sensitive areas as evidenced by the large number and size of conservations areas in Cuba. " Paul Temple in IPSG, Vol. 10, 2000.

Introduction in culture :

Not yet.


No data yet.

PICTURES: (click to enlarge)

Pinguicula jaraguana, note the typical veins on the flower. 


Photo : Paul Temple

All copyright rights reserved

Pinguicula jaraguana 

Photo : Paul Temple

All copyright rights reserved

Soon : Other pictures of Pinguicula jaraguana in habitat in Cuba from Paul Temple...